Missoula Man Stabbed in Face After Confronting Suspect About Smashing Bottles Downtown
Missoula Police arrested a young man on Sunday morning after a citizen approached a police officer downtown claiming to have been stabbed in the face.
"Just after the time change, a police officer was flagged down by a pedestrian," said Missoula Police Officer Travis WelshThe male reported that he had just been in an altercation with another male in the 100 block of Ryman Street where he reported that he was stabbed in the face by a broken bottle, it was a curved injury under one of his eyes that had the shape of, presumably, a round bottle."
According to the victim, the incident occurred after he stepped in to try to stop the suspect from damaging property.
"He explained further that he had seen another male breaking a bottle on the steps of a business downtown and that he had confronted him about that and, as a result, suffered an injury to his face. The injury did not appear to be life threatening, but he did need to seek medical attention."
In the end, police arrested 24-year-old Michael Vance for assault with a weapon. According to Welsh, the victim's wound was bleeding after the attack and he went to St. Patrick's Hospital for treatment.