Man Rescued in Remote Back Country Near Big Sky
On Monday, July 16 at 8:30 p.m., a Gallatin County Sheriff’s deputy received a call via two-way radio from a Gallatin County Search and Rescue volunteer reporting that a member of his horseback group was experiencing stroke-like symptoms.
The group of nine riders were located nine miles up the Sage Creek trail and requested a medevac for the 36-year-old male from Sanford, North Carolina.
Due to the remote location as well as information that the male had previously suffered a stroke, the decision was made to launch a helicopter out of Bozeman.
Reach was able to land at a spot located and marked with GPS by the Search and Rescue volunteer on the scene.
The medevac team then transported the male to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for evaluation.
Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin would like to commend the group for being so well prepared for such an event by carrying with them a highly reliable means of communication, survival gear and a GPS.
The backcountry in this area is extremely remote and can be unforgiving. Emergency location beacons and GPS’s are invaluable should you or someone you are with become stranded, lost or injured.
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