Joe Biden will use the final days of his term as president to unilaterally declare a new national monument between Bozeman and Yellowstone. That's one of the concerns expressed by former state Representative Kerry White (R-Bozeman).

I caught up with Kerry White during a live broadcast from the Hilton Garden Inn Friday morning. He has been a longtime leader for a pro land access outfit called Citizens for Balanced Use.

We were talking about how Biden's Secretary of the Interior was called out for her department hosting secret backroom meetings with radical environmentalist and left wing dark money megadonor Hansjorg Wyss.

Kerry White: "The other day I heard that Biden has designated five national monuments in the United States since he's been in office. There's a big push here in the Gallatin to create a national monument between Bozeman and West Yellowstone Park. They couldn't get it in to wilderness in the forest plan that was recently signed by the supervisor. So now, I think what we're gonna see is a huge deal like what Clinton did and designated the Clinton Roadless Rule in the last days of the presidency, but it's really an abuse of the Antiquities Act."

When it comes to the Biden Administration holding these secret meetings with Hans Wyss and these George Soros type folks, Kerry White says he feels for the folks in Montana agriculture.

Kerry White: "And a lot of it is these grazing leases that farmers and ranchers have, and they're dealing with it with the American Prairie Reserve, where they're (the Biden BLM) switching those leases over to year-round bison for the American Prairie Reserve out there- removing, I think Dan Bartel told me they've lost over 60,000 head of beef in Lewistown area by losing those leases. But if you don't have that lease to move your cows on to in the summertime, then you don't- you're not able to raise hay, to put the hay to feed your cows through the winter. So you're really collapsing that agricultural operation by losing those grazing lease things."

Full audio of our chat with Kerry White is in the podcast below:  


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Gallery Credit: Sarah Jones