Flathead Democrats Plan a “Vegetarian Dinner”…in Montana?
55 bucks and I can't even get a steak?
This can't be real. Flathead County Democrats are planning a fundraising dinner this weekend...featuring a gun control supporter...and an all vegetarian dinner? In Montana. Insert facepalm emoji here.
Democrats are now in a superminority in the Montana Legislature. They lost EVERY statewide and Congressional race in the 2020 elections, and this is how the Flathead Democrats decide they're gonna fight back for 2024- with a pro gun control guy as their speaker and an all vegetarian dinner?
When I first saw the link to buy tickets I had to double check and make sure it wasn't a joke and that I wasn't being set up. But I double checked the Flathead County Democrats website, and yep- there it is. They're touting the "To the Barricades" Spring Dinner taking place this Saturday. And apparently tickets to the vegetarian dinner are still available (SHOCKER!).
At least the Rob Quist music should be good...
And by the way- no offense to all of you vegetarians out there (more beef for the rest of us). I have no problem with a vegan option (but the only option?). When I was at the Warrior Taste Fest in Bozeman last Fall, there was a food truck there that featured vegan grilled cheese sandwiches, and they actually tasted really good. And the ladies that were making em were there supporting our troops for a good cause- so God Bless 'em!
Screenshot from FlatheadDems.com:
H/T Matt Desch with KJJR Radio in Kalispell.
LOOK: Food history from the year you were born