What Is The "Hardest To Spell" Town In Montana?

Montana has some town names that can be very hard for outsiders to pronounce.

Everything from Butte to our capitol Helena can be hard for non-native-born residents to pronounce correctly, but there is one that is not only hard to pronounce but also hardest to spell.

What Montana Town Would You Think Is Hardest To Pronounce?

The website Wall Street 24/7 is the publication that decided this was the hardest town to spell and pronounce, but there is another town that I think most people, even residents of Montana, can get wrong.

Ekalaka is the most difficult to pronounce, according to Reader's Digest, but it doesn't seem all that hard to spell. Kevin is another town that most people mispronounce but wouldn't have issue spelling.

The same can't be said for the selection that Wall Street 24/7 picked out; honestly, I had never even heard of it until I read the article.

A girl stands by a microphone during a spelling bee

Have You Heard Of This Town In Montana?

When it comes to hard-to-pronounce and spell towns in Montana, Wall Street 24/7 says that Lindisfarne takes the cake.

Pronounced "LIN-dis-FARN," this town is "located on Flathead Lake near the Flathead Reservation and Glacier National Park. The town is named after the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, a tidal island in England."

What do you think—is this truly the hardest town in Montana to spell or pronounce? What about some of our counties, like "Meagher"? Let me know what town or county you think would trip up most non-natives through our app or email, and then take a look at what we think are the 10 most mispronounced towns in Montana.

LOOK: 10 Most Mispronounced Towns In Montana

Want to know how to pronounce cities and towns inside Montana? Here's your guide:

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern