Dream Of Ticking Off Montanans? Well, Here Is How To Do It.
I took the liberty of asking Montanans, "What do people do in public, that really annoys you?" It wasn't to stir the pot or get anyone all wound up, it was because I recently came across a situation myself that really ground my gears.
Here is the scenario. I was recently leaving a very popular store and made eye contact with a man that was leaving at the same time as I was. As we went our separate ways, he cleared his throat, and spit a massive amount of spit onto the ground. I thought, "what the heck, that is so disgusting!"
So when I talked to our listeners about this, they agreed, obviously, and listed a whole bunch of things they can't stand either. And I will tell you, we have some VERY smart and respectable listeners.
A few things they listed, and maybe you agree:
Clipping your nails/toe nails. Umm...just NO. Never is this ok, NEVER. I was on a plane one time and there was a guy doing this and I about lost it. That is so, so, so, gross. Be a better human.
Driving slow in the left lane. That lane is for passing! There is no easier way to say it! So if you are one of the people that likes to set your cruise for the exact speed limit and day dream in the left lane of the interstate, you, my friend, are annoying many Montanans.
Talking on the phone with it on speaker phone. Not to be rude, but we don't care what you are talking about. We are out to run errands and get things done, not worry about whether you should break up with your boyfriend or not.
Stopping in the middle of the shopping aisle to have a conversation with someone. It's unconformable when I am just trying to get a box of Lucky Charms and I have to say, "sorry to interrupt but can you maybe move". If you haven't seen each other in a while, exchange phone numbers or grab a cup of coffee. Simple fix.
Leaving your dog poop bags where ever you choose. No one wants to pick up after someone else's dog, so don't expect it. I walked a co-workers dog the other day, he did his business, and I walked 4 blocks with a dog poop bag. Did I survive? Yes! And you will too.
I wish I could list them all, but it gets me all worked up thinking about how much I agree with all of you! Head over to our XL Country Facebook Page and continue reading and commenting. You just never know, you might be doing something that makes A LOT of Montanan's annoyed.