I've got news for you. If you think that wearing a face mask is going to save you from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) it won't. Even if you cover your mouth, you're still going to be touching your eyes, your mouth, and elsewhere with your hands, so the virus can still infect you.

So, what should you do? Basically the same common principles that you should already be doing to help prevent the flu, like washing your hands.

That's what Dr. Scott Sears from St. Vincent Healthcare in Billings had to say in our latest interview. We also talked about American Heart Month, as Dr. Sears shared an incredible story from Laurel, Montana.

A patient walked into their primary care clinic in Laurel complaining of chest pains. The front desk on up to the nurses and the ER docs knew exactly what to do. Within 16 minutes of arriving at the hospital the man had been zapped 5 times in the chest, brought back to life, a stent had been placed in his heart, and he was able to walk out of the hospital the next day without having open-heart surgery.

It's a remarkable life-saving story. And that's just my recollection of it. Hear Dr. Sears tell the story in his own medical-professional words by checking out our full interview below:


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