Whenever something happens in Montana, I get very excited. Okay, I am proud to be a Montanan, even though I've only been here a few months. When newly-elected Congressman Greg Gianforte was in the national news, I was the voice of Montana. I gave interviews to talk stations explaining what was going on in Bozeman.

Like it or not, when something happens in Bozeman or Montana, I will get a call from other cities asking me what I think.

I woke up Monday and put on Fox News. Montana is in the news.  A story about about a second-story deck that collapsed at a Montana lodge. People are hurt, some may die. The Associated Press says "about 50 people were gathered on the structure overlooking Flathead Lake."

It was a memorial for a firefighter, and some people are hurt very badly. How could it happen? I really like talking to media about things happening in Montana, but in a sad story like this, I hope I don't get a call.

I didn't, but when Montana is in the news, my family calls.

"Dominick, you weren't at that lodge?" Lillian asks.

"No, I'm fine."

"How do they build things in Montana? That would never happen in New York City." She continues, "I think maybe you should be careful. Don't go on any high decks. I love you, Dominick."

It doesn't matter it happened almost 300 miles away. If something happens in Montana, I get a call.

The Fox News headline: "Collapse of a second-story deck in Flathead, Montana. People are critically injured!"

My 85-year-old aunt yells to her daughter: "Lillian, call Baby Dom. See if he's alright."

Gotta love them.




Aunt Connie, My Mom and Aunt Stella "The Bellavia Girls" Only One left...





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