Check Out This Crazy Interactive Map of Yellowstone National Park
If you have even a vague interest in what makes Yellowstone tick, you have to check out a brand new interactive map that lets you view the many geological systems of the park.
Thanks to ZME Science for the find on this one. It's a new map of the Yellowstone ecosystem created by the Wyoming State Geological Survey and it really is completely interactive. On the surface, it's not super user-friendly and appears complex. The key to finding your way around this map are two navigation areas in the top right. The first you'll want to check out is the map legend.
The second is the layers button also in the top right.
Using these tools, you can look at Yellowstone data such as elevation information.
The beauty of this new Yellowstone tool is that ZME Science is reporting that the map will be constantly updated as new information about Yellowstone is published.
I've been playing around with this new map more today than I'd like to admit and am impressed with how you can search for something like Old Faithful and immediately be zoomed in to that location with all the data you can imagine.
As USGS Lead Scientist Mike Poland explained in our interview a few weeks ago, Yellowstone is one of the most seismically active systems in the world. Now, we have a new tool to keep up-to-date on what it's doing.