Bullock Reacts to Court Ruling on Money in Elections
U.S. District Judge Charles Lovell said in an order the state's contribution limits in state law are unconstitutional, three weeks before state primary.
Governor Steve Bullock has issued the following statement after Judge Charles Lovell’s controversial ruling on Montana’s campaign finance contribution limits:
“Montana elections should be decided by ‘we the people.’ This ruling is a travesty and a step back towards the era of the Copper Kings,” said Gov. Bullock. “Allowing our elections to be bought and paid for by people with unlimited wealth is bad for the integrity of our elections and for our democracy.”
In 2012, Governor Bullock, then Attorney General, immediately filed a request for a stay and then filed an appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals after a similar ruling, defending Montana’s campaign finance limits and fighting to keep unlimited spending out of Montana elections. He is calling on the Attorney General’s Office to do the same.