$250,000 Bail For Man Wanted For Attempted Deliberate Homicide After Trying To Run Down Deputy – Then Was Shot Three Times
Mark Collins of Powell County appeared on a $250,000 out of county warrant in Missoula Justice Court on Wednesday on charges of attempted deliberate homicide, assault with a weapon and criminal endangerment.
According to court records, on August 4, Collins attempted to run down two separate vehicles near Deer Lodge and when Powell County Deputy John Micu responded, Collins also attempted to run him down with his Ford van.
Records state that when Collins attempted to run Deputy Micu down with his vehicle, 'Deputy Micu exited his vehicle and deployed his AR-15 and shot approximately 11 times, 9 of which passed through the windshield of the defendant's vehicle. Two rounds struck the suspect in the right shoulder and one round entered his mouth and exited at his left ear.' A Deer Lodge police officer then arrived and assisted Deputy Micu in removing the suspect from his vehicle and provided first aid until an ambulance arrived.
After being released from St. Patrick Hospital, Collins appeared before Judge Landee Holloway and continued Collins' bail at $250,000. She ordered him to be transported to Powell County to face the felony charges.
Attempted deliberate homicide carries a maximum sentence of death, or up to 100 years in prison. Assault with a weapon carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $50,000 fine, while felony criminal endangerment carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.