When I was once a younger man, I decided to backpack around Europe. After careful months of planning, reading and research (this was before Google, kids), the day came and I was off for what would become the first of my adventures abroad.

I was careful, in that I left behind my itinerary with a friend and family and had scheduled “call home” days planned in advance. But oh, it was so amazing and all so new. I drank it all in.

In today's remembrance of my adventures we are off to: The City of Light (La Ville Lumière), Paris, France. As you might imagine in the early/mid-90s, I imagined myself something of a bohemian and the epicenter of 1930s cool IS the Left Bank of Paris. I had budgeted five whole days in town to consume all I could. And man did I - from the morning espressos, the Louvre and even Notre-Dame Cathedral (more on these in just a moment). The thing I remember most about Paris is, READ THE FINE PRINT on your subway schedule!

I was WAY on the north side of Paris watching a really hot band and having the time of my life at about 1 a.m. (local time), when a new-found friend asked where I was staying. I offhandedly replied, "Over on the Left Bank." My flip answer was met with, "You best run! If you do, friend, you just might catch the last train back!"

I did make the train (subway) back to the hostel, but the station was locked down. After 20 minutes of pure panic, I started thinking: every station I had seen thus far had four entrances and tonight one, only one needed to be left open. I wandered the station for at least another 20 minutes, but did find the open exit. At the time, I was honestly scared, but I would not change a thing about the experience today. I realized then and still hold to this day, it's OK to be outside you comfort zone. It's something travel will do to you.

In the four-plus months in my first visit to Europe, I learned more about myself than I did in all the years that led up to it. We'll have to leave Louvre and Notre-Dame Cathedral for another time. The trails of Bozeman are calling my feet.

Travel Café is bringing a taste of Europe to Bozeman. If you’d like to learn about European travel and all the different options travelers have, whether you want to piece together your dream vacation or set sail on a river cruise, the experts will be on hand to answer any of your questions at the Baxter Hotel, Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. This post was sponsored by Travel Cafe.

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