July 29 | 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Unnamed Venue

Additional Information

Got something to buy, sell or trade? Maybe you're looking for that special one-of-a-kind item. Maybe you've got some collectibles that you'd like to sell for a little extra income.

You can list any or all these things on our weekly Saturday Swap Meet - 11AM to 1130AM every Saturday.

There are three easy ways to get your item(s) on the air:

1. Call the show between 11 and 11:30 a.m. Saturday at 406-522-8255
2. Email Tom at tom@kmmsam.com with your items.
3. Or go to KMMSAM.Com and click the Saturday Swap Meet Link on the "What's Hot" bar for a fill in the blanks form.

We have a few very simple rules:

1. We don't do weapons. No guns, knives, bazookas etc. We will do things like re-loaders, sling, scopes, mounts, or scabbards.
2. No explosives or hazardous materials. Nothing you have to be licensed to haul or wear protective clothing to handle.
3. No dealers or store fronts.  We have great paid advertising available for you on any one or all five of our stations. Call 586-2343 for advertising info.