
What’s the R.O.I. On $1.36 Trillion Taxpayer Dollars?
What’s the R.O.I. On $1.36 Trillion Taxpayer Dollars?
What’s the R.O.I. On $1.36 Trillion Taxpayer Dollars?
Read or Subscribe to all Tom Egelhoff’s Daily Blog Posts by Clicking Here Currently $1.36 trillion dollars in student loans are outstanding. Financed by US taxpayers. What’s the R.O.I. (Return on Investment) to those taxpayers? Does that loan money come back in jobs created, new product innovation, or GDP (Gross Domestic Product) increases...
Technology Predictions For 2011
Technology Predictions For 2011
Technology Predictions For 2011
iPad, Android. Facebook, Twitter. 3D, HD. Who will be the big technology winners and losers of 2011? Will it be an old friend like Apple or Google? Or will it be a new kid on the block? At the rate technology is changing it's anybody's guess.