Meet Dale Royer. He’s from Jackson, Montana, a town three hours south of Missoula, and a precinct chairman for Beaverhead County. He’s also currently a page at the Republican National Convention
Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton issued a statement on Facebook on Sunday, following the fatal shooting of three Baton Rouge police officers. His statement referenced a speech by Abraham Lincoln, commonly called 'A House Divided'.
Clint Eastwood was welcomed to the stage with an iconic western themed song along with a backdrop of a 20 foot tall image of young Eastwood. Eastwoods speech was wise, funny, and full of compasion for the american people. If you missed it, watch the video below of Clint Eastwood, actor and director, giving a speach at the 2012 Republican National Convention on August 30th.
Technology, I believe, accelerates the growth of knowledge and action needed to solve the problems in our society. Less than a decade ago, YouTube did not exist. Today, YouTube streams live coverage of the Republican National Convention to the entire world. Do the Republicans have the answers our country needs? Watch the convention yourself and you decide.