The submariner crew from the USS Montana is on the ground in Western Montana this week. We caught up with the crew from the KJJR Radio studios in Kalispell Tuesday morning.
Coming up on November 15th in Great Falls, folks will get a chance to see and hear the ship's bell, which is a submarine-sized replica of the original USS Montana bell that was aboard the ship commissioned back in 1908.
In a special appearance on KGVO Radio's The Talk Back Show, former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill reveled new information about the day that Osama bin Laden was killed and how that mission was connected to the mission to save the Maersk Alabama from Somali Pirates.
New England Patriots running back Eric Kettani isn’t just a football player — he’s also a member of the United States Navy. But now it seems service to his country is trumping service on the gridiron.
Kettani, who spent two years on the reserve list as an active military member and made the Patriots practice squad this preseason, returned Friday to his Navy ship in Jacksonville, Florida.
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Through Republican good will to maintain their word to cut spending, the nations defense budget looks to be hit hard. Obama had proposed the budget for 2011 to be billions of dollars more than the republican lawmakers are willing to accept. Generals, Majors and even new recruits will feel the effect of the cut costs. In this era of history, should our defense budget be the first to be cut?
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