Chaos and scrambling in the US oil patch as prices plummetChaos and scrambling in the US oil patch as prices plummetIn the first quarter, the price of U.S. crude fell harder than at any point in history, plunging 66% to around $20 a barrel.Associated PressAssociated Press
What If Tariffs Are Terrific?What If Tariffs Are Terrific?We only have a 2 percent duty fee for almost 75 percent of foreign goods entering this country. Two percent is hardly a protection for American workers.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff
Friday Fun Facts About Our Canadian NeighborsFriday Fun Facts About Our Canadian NeighborsOther than sending us Justin Beiber I can’t see a whole lot not to like about Canada or Canadians.Tom EgelhoffTom Egelhoff