Some say Jim Bridger could smell a storm before it hit. Others claim he discovered Yellowstone. Who was the real man behind the legend? This documentary reveals the truth.
#PROJECTELK is the story of the origins, science, and evolution behind conservation, and the question around whether hunters are the earth’s true conservationists.
The Montana Petroleum Association will be hosting a free viewing party for the documentary FrackNation Tuesday night at the Lewis & Clark County Fairgrounds Entry Hall.
Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley Jr. — who’ve been dubbed the West Memphis Three — were released from prison on Friday after serving 18 years as the result of what many felt was a wrongful 1994 murder conviction.
Their startlingly sudden freedom had an especially profound impact on filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky. The pair made two award-winning HBO documentaries abo
Summer is here, which can only mean one thing: road trip!
You may be thinking about hitting the sweet highway, but odds are you won't come close to wearing down the tread on your tires as much as one couple did when they made the long, long trek from China to South Africa in 2010.
Director of the successful 'Super Size Me', Morgan Spurlock, has made another fun and thoughtful documentary that plays off advertising in America. He created the documentary with funds raised solely by obtaining advertising in and out of the movie. Check out the trailer inside.