A LOT of Californians are fleeing the state and coming to places like Montana. Who are these people? Are they trying to bring the mess with 'em? This data may give us some insight.
Will the Flathead soon overtake Missoula County? Could the Flathead soon have a larger population even than the booming Gallatin County? A Claremont Institute fellow analyzes the latest US Census numbers in Montana.
Here is the topline from the latest Census numbers that recently came out. Kalispell, Montana leads the nation in total net domestic migration out of 538 micropolitan areas in the country. Bozeman came in at 4th highest.
What is called the 2020 Decennial Census will officially get underway in March of 2020, and Montanans are being asked to watch out for imitation Census Surveys that charge a $15 ‘registration fee’.
One of the oldest rules in marketing is that spending money to try to change a mind is useless. No outside force will dispel hate. It has to be done within.
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We’re not doing our youth any favors by preparing them for a world that doesn’t care if their feelings get hurt. Where you’re NOT entitled to a fair shake.