Montana AG on Credit Card Companies Mapping Gun SalesMontana AG on Credit Card Companies Mapping Gun SalesMontana Attorney General Austin Knudsen made his monthly appearance on KGVO’s Talk Back show on Friday and filled the phone lines with questions and comments from callers.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Five Butte Teen Fentanyl Overdoses Last Week, One DeathFive Butte Teen Fentanyl Overdoses Last Week, One DeathWednesday, August 31 has been designated as ‘International Overdose Awareness Day’.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Head Back To School Safely With These Tips From Montana HP!Head Back To School Safely With These Tips From Montana HP!AG Austin Knudsen and the Montana Highway Patrol have some safety tips for your return to school!NewsTalkNewsTalk
Montana AG on Firearms, Fentanyl, and Chinese Military EspionageMontana AG on Firearms, Fentanyl, and Chinese Military EspionageKnudsen frankly admitted to being a ‘gun guy’, and a competitive shooter who said there is ample proof that ‘more guns equal less crime’.Peter ChristianPeter Christian