A new study says that Montana State Auditor Matt Rosendale, the conservative in the race for the United States Senate, has an advantage in the primary contest because of name recognition. Nearly eight out of ten (78%) likely Republican primary voters have heard of him, and among those who have an image of Rosendale, forty-three percent (43%) have a favorable impression.

In contrast, fifty-five percent (55%) of voters have never heard of Russell Fagg, and forty-eight percent (48%) have never heard of Troy Downing.

Rosendale Image
Favorable 43%
Unfavorable 14%
Name ID 78%

This is according to the study done by WPAi, which has been a leading provider of political polling for campaigns from president to governor and senator to mayor. WPAi has also been nationally recognized for providing cutting edge research for clients. Matt Rosendale leads the race by more than a two-to-one advantage over his closest primary challenger.

WPAi says if the election were today. It would be:
Rosendale 28%
Downing 12%
Fagg 11%
Oszewski 5%
Murray 1%



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