This Montana county enjoys adult beverages a little too much.

Alcohol and Montana

We do love to drink.

Montanans love to have an alcoholic beverage after a long week.

Photo by Taylor Friehl via Unsplash

Folks will head to their favorite bars, breweries, or garages to grab their desired drink to help unwind.

Whether you love whiskey, beer, or a White Claw doesn't matter. Everyone has their vice to enjoy.

You would think an occasional drink isn't a problem, but some would disagree.

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Alcohol Problems in Montana

Montana has had multiple issues with drinking in the past.

Photo by Eeshan Garg via Unsplash

Big Sky Country is near the top for alcohol-related driving deaths, DUIs, and other alcohol-related crimes.

Montana winters don't help either.

Seasonal depression is a serious problem, and many turn to alcohol, thinking it will solve their problems.

Young woman with a hangover holding her almost empty cocktail glass
princigalli/Getty Images

We now have stats to back it up.

Drunkest County in America Is In Montana

We might have a problem.

IntoxiStates created an interactive map using CDC statistics on which counties in America drink excessively.

Drunk and unconscious businessman lying on a counter
Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Getty Images

Wisconsin leads with eight counties with a population over 20% of adults excessively drinking.

Montana has two that land in the Top Five.

Missoula County reports over 25% of the population overindulges in alcoholic beverages.

That might seem terrible, but one county in Montana is #1 in the nation for excessive drinking.

According to the statistics, Gallatin County is the drunkest in America.

Aerial View of Downtown Bozeman, Montana in Summer
Jacob Boomsma/Getty Images

The CDC reports over 27% of adults overdrink in Gallatin County.

Montana ranks #2 for drunkest state behind Wisconsin.

Does Montana have a drinking problem?

These stats seem to back up that conclusion.

30 of Montana's Best Breweries

Looking for a quality craft beer in Montana? You should check these places.

Gallery Credit: Will Gordon

7 Great 'Middle of Nowhere' Montana Bars and Restaurants

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

Five Odd Bars in Montana

Instead of heading to typical sports or dive bar, why not take a walk on the weird side and check out a bar that will leave an impression?

Gallery Credit: Will Gordon