Who knew one of the best classic horror films was partly shot in Montana?

Montana Movies

Montanans love a movie made in Big Sky Country.

Montana has seen some classic films shot here.

Iconic movies like A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, A Montana Story, and more have been entirely shot in Big Sky Country or partly shot here.

movie set
Photo by Gordon Cowie via Unsplash

Even though television shows have been shooting in Montana lately, the movie business is still relatively strong.

Montana mostly sees Westerns or dramas filmed in our state, but many productions will shoot scenery shots in Big Sky Country.

Massive Hollywood films such as The Untouchables, The Shining, and The Chronicles of Narnia have all shot scenes in various spots in Montana.

old camera
Photo by Illia Horokovsky via Unsplash

What's the one type of movie genre that Montana sees often?

That would be horror films.

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Horror Films in Montana

There's only been a few horror movies filmed in Montana.

The most recent was a horror western called The Organ Trail.

horror movie
Photo by Rob Griffin via Unsplash

What if we told you a classic horror film shot parts of their productions in Montana?

Classic 50s Horror Films Shot in Montana

One of the most beloved 50s horror/sci-fi films had parts of its production in Montana.

Which movie? The Thing From Another World.

If that movie sounds familiar, it should.

The movie is based on the classic novel Who Goes There?, and John Carpenter's remake The Thing is known as one of the best horror films in history.

The movie shot parts of its production in Glacier National Park.

You must love the history of cinema in Montana. It seems we learn something new daily about a random movie having some parts shot in Big Sky Country.

Who knows what we will learn next?

8 Best Small Town Movie Theaters in Montana

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Gallery Credit: Will Gordon

Four Best Picture Films Set/Filmed in Montana

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Gallery Credit: Will Gordon

10 American Remakes of Foreign Horror Movies That Ruined the Original

We'd rather lock our heads in cages full of angry bees than watch these American horror remakes again. 

Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky