Does the Number of Montana Earthquakes This Year Alarm You?
You may be surprised to know that Montana has had 39 earthquakes in the past seven days. Now, most of those you couldn't feel, however, we have had 30 earthquakes that have registered 2.5 or higher on the richter scale in 2018.
The largest earthquake, so far, this year has been a 3.8 centered near Lincoln, Montana. Lincoln has actually received a few earthquakes around that magnitude this year.
Having Yellowstone National Park within its boundaries, Montana is earthquake prone, with West Yellowstone experiencing high levels of seismic activity each year. You'll notice the map below shows that the Flathead area of Montana has been very active this year, as well.
What does this all mean? It's not unusual at all for Montanas to feel an earthquake from time to time. And most importantly, it does not mean we're any closer to the Supervolcano actually erupting.
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