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AM 1450 Exclusive
[POLL] Will You Frequent a business if a mask is required?
Costco is requiring all shoppers to wear a mask in order to shop there. Will you comply or shop elsewhere?
[POLL] Are you for or against Mail-in ballots for the Primary?
Do you favor or oppose mail-in ballots for the Montana State Primary vote?
[POLL] What Are You Gonna Do With Your Stimulus Check?
If you didn't get your check yet go to and click "Get My Payment." What will you do with your free money from Uncle Sam?
[POLL] How Quickly Will You Return to Your Normal Lifestyle?
Now that the stay at home directive has been lifted what will you do today? Will you resume your normal lifestyle or will you take it a little slow?
[POLL] Do You Approve The Gov. Handling of COVID 19 in Montana?
Governor Bullock just announced guidelines for returning to work. Are you satisfied with his handling of the Covid-19 virus so far.
[POLL] Is Montana Reopening Too Soon?
Yesterday the governor provided a plan to reopen Montana. Are you OK with this plan or are we acting too soon?
[POLL] Should Schools Stay Closed to End of School Year?
When parents go back to work what about the kids? Will there be daycare or are they old enough to fend for themselves?
[POLL] If Cuomo Was Running for President, Would You Vote for Him
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has said he would not run for president. If he did would you vote for him?
Should all stay-at-home orders and closures be lifted?
Are you going stir crazy with shelter in place orders? Are you ready to resume life?
[POLL] If You're Going Back To Work — Where?
As Americans slowly return to work are you in that group? Or, were you left out in the cold on unemployment?