Johnny Vincent, affectionately known as Johnny V, is a seasoned radio personality with a remarkable three-decade-long career in the industry. His journey in the world of broadcasting led him to Rockford in 2010, where he quickly made a name for himself on former radio station 101QFL, which later became K-Love. Johnny's outstanding contributions to the field were recognized when he received a prestigious Silver Dome Award from the Illinois Broadcasters Association in 2018. Johnny loves his Boston Terrier, Wrigley, and his devotion to the Chicago Cubs is unwavering. As the energetic host of "The Ride Home" on Q 98.5, Johnny brings a unique blend of charm, humor, local happenings, and country music to the airwaves, making him a cherished voice in the lives of many listeners around the Rockford region
Johnny V
Here Are New Directives Gov. Bullock Will Implement Beginning Friday (11/20)
Montana Governor Steve Bullock announced yesterday that additional measures to help "curtail the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Montana" will go into effect beginning this Friday
Winter Storm Warning Begins Friday, 6-12″ Snow and Record Cold
Billings dodged the heavier snowfall on Thursday (10/22), with between two and three inches of accumulation reported in most parts of Yellowstone County as of this morning,
UPDATE: Body Identified From Yellowstone River
The body recovered is an adult male, and because of the condition, Sheriff Deputies determined the body has "likely been in the river for several days."
Amtrak Passenger Train Collides with Tractor in Bainville, MT
An accident between an Amtrak passenger train and a John Deere sprayer tractor earlier today (Friday 5/29), has reportedly killed one man in Bainville, Montana.
Montana 10th In U.S. For Rising Home Values
With median home prices up 8.3 percent over the past year, Montana is ranked 10th for growth. Nationally, home prices rose 7.2 percent or about $15,000 more than last year.