Daryl Nelson

Gallup: Overweight Americans Suffer From More Pain
Adults who are obese report higher rates of daily pain than those who are not, according to a recent Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index survey.

Curry Spice Component May Help Slow Prostate Tumor Growth
Love to eat curry? It may do more than tingle your tastebuds.
According to a new study, curry spice components may help slow the growth of tumors in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients.

Children Hospitalized at Alarming Rate Due to Abuse: Study
More than 4,500 children in the United States were hospitalized and 300 children died from their injuries in one year due to child abuse, according to a new report in the journal Pediatrics.

Study: Decaffeinated Coffee Improves Brain Metabolism
Do you drink decaffeinated coffee? If so, it may be strengthening your brain and preserving your memory.
A new study from Mount Sinai School of Medicine suggests that decaffeinated coffee improves brain energy metabolism associated with type 2 diabetes.

Study: Buying Life Experiences Makes People Happier
Extroverted people who are open to new experiences are more inclined to spend more of their disposable income on experiences, such as a new restaurant, or a travel expedition, rather than shoes, clothes, or cars, a new study finds.

Study: High Academic Achievers in High School Still Have Trouble Reading
A significant portion of high school students that are high academic achievers, do not have the same type of academic success once they get to the college level, according to a new report from researchers at the University of Alberta, in Canada.

Marijuana Smoke Not as Harmful as Cigarette Smoke, Study Finds
Marijuana was made illegal as a public health safety measure, but according to results from a new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, marijuana smoke is not as damaging to the lungs as cigarette smoke.

Genital Herpes can Reactivate During High Doses of Medication Treatment
Patients with genital herpes are still receiving outbreaks even during high doses of antiviral therapy, according to a new study from the University of Washington.

Disability Costs Could Reach to 77.2 percent of Household Income
If you are living with a severe disability, it could be taking up the majority of your household income.
A study from the University of Salamanca in Spain found 90 percent of the population who live with a serious disability in the country of Spain is suffering from moderate poverty, and 56 percent live in extreme poverty.

Writing Things Down Can Actually Help You Lose Weight
Could a pen and pad be more useful in weight loss than a barbel?