WikiLeaks, the online revealer of secret and non-public documents, takes a shot of it's own medicine.

Infamous anti-jihadi hacker The Jester (th3j35t3r) is claiming responsibility for a denial of service attack (DoS) attack that temporarily disabled the WikiLeaks website just hours before the release of thousands of classified documents.


The haker revealed himself through his own Twitter Tweets that are now deleted but clearly displayed his intent in the matter

The Jester Tweeted that he was carrying out the attacks, "for attempting to endanger the lives of our troops, 'other assets' & foreign relations..."

In my opinion I am glad that we have people on both sides using their talents to keep the others in line and even a bit scared of what the other can do. Because we all know what happens when one person or group of people acquires too much power. You can read the entire article on the matter at

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