groundhog day

One Movie Theater Is Showing ‘Groundhog Day’ For 24 Straight Hours on Groundhog Day
One Movie Theater Is Showing ‘Groundhog Day’ For 24 Straight Hours on Groundhog Day
One Movie Theater Is Showing ‘Groundhog Day’ For 24 Straight Hours on Groundhog Day
In the comedy classic Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s curmudgeonly newscaster Phil Connors starts to lose his mind after repeatedly living the exact same February 2 over and over again. For the low price of ten pounds (approximately $14 in real money), patrons of Liverpool’s Small Cinema can now live Phil’s Groundhog Day experience for real — but not the part where he seduces beautiful women, or becomes a better person, or is Bill Murray. Really just the repetition and its accompanying descent into madness.
Ground Hog Day? Not in Montana
Ground Hog Day? Not in Montana
Ground Hog Day? Not in Montana
Read or Subscribe to all Tom Egelhoff’s Daily Blog Posts by Clicking Here Every year on February 2nd all the TV talking heads show up in Punxsutawney, PA to witness the weather-prognosticating rodent, Punxsutawney Phil. People have been buying into this yearly scam since the 18-1900s...
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Groundhog Day
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Groundhog Day
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day was first celebrated on February 2, 1886 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, but the legend of the groundhog’s prognosticating prowess was first established a year later. A group of devoted followers went to Gobbler’s Knob to spread word that the little rodent had special powers to determine the length of the winter. If the furry mascot emerges from its cave only to scamper back in withou
Happy Groundhog Day!
Happy Groundhog Day!
Happy Groundhog Day!
Today is the day that we celebrate the tradition of letting a groundhog forecast our upcoming season's weather. Did he see his shadow and run back in his hole for the long winter or was his shadow nowhere to be seen allowing an early spring?