Mountain water company has been in the news a lot lately after the city of Missoula decided to pursue an eminent domain lawsuit against the company, but the lawsuits haven’t changed the fact that Mountain Water still has pipes to fix.

"Mountain Water Company is committed to spending another $4 million on capital improvements on our system this year," McInnis said. "As has been true over the past several years, we've really been focusing in on replacement of water main. We've got a lot of old water mains in town that need to be replaced. We'll try to do projects in coordination with the city and the Missoula Redevelopment Agency."

McInnis says the lawsuit hasn’t effected coordination between Mountain Water and the city, or lessened the amount of money spent on improvements.

"I would say those of us working in the trenches have a good working relationship," McInnis said. "We want to impact the community as little as we can. I think we get along well with the various city agencies and I think we kind of let the courts and the lawyers take care of the other issues. We just try to stay focused on getting our dollars spent on important projects and trying to impact the public as little as we can."

Mountain water has already begun work on Dore Lane, and will begin a new project on Grant Street next Monday, The biggest project planned this summer is the laying of new pipe on Hillview Way which will require the removal of pipe 40 feet below the surface.

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