Last night, I went to bed knowing that the Bozeman City Commission was going to vote on what has been called The Black - Olive project. That's the apartment building in down town Bozeman with 47 units and only 40 parking places waiting to be built. Would apartment building become a reality or die.

Yes or no, Bozeman would move on the the next project.

But when I woke up, nothing really changed. No Vote. The headline on the Bozeman Chronicle read "Black-Olive decision delayed after Bozeman group sues city"

A mysterious group called "Save Bozeman" had gotten an injunction stopping the City Commistion from even considering the application. I say the "Save Bozeman" is a mysterious group because for 5 months I have been trying to talk to them. Can't find them.

Bozeman City Commissioner Jeff Kruss was on "Dominick In The Morning" today and he explained that a few minutes before the meeting a lawyer told the Commissioners they could not talk about the Black-Olive project.

Could not consider anything about the project Kruss told me. I asked if we could talk about it on the air. He said he would try.

I asked how he thought his fellow Commissioners would have voted. Kruss guessed: "It probably would have failed."

How long with this Court action delay the vote?

Kruss wasn't sure. But like everything else in America nothing can happen till some Court says it can...

Black-Olive will be settled just not today, or this week, or this month... Maybe this year?


Downtown Bozeman

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