Office rage series - businesswoman received bad news
Peter Bernik

Those of you who are regular listeners to the morning show or my Saturday show are familiar with that phrase.

I use it often and it’s more than just lip service to make me sound all-inclusive.

The reason I use it is that whatever you say on the air, unless it’s one of those 8 words the FCC frowns on, I will give you a voice and even more than that — not be offended.

The Real Beauty Of Not Being Offended

Only I can give you permission to offend me. If you say something that offends me, it’s my fault — not yours.

Not being offended has benefits. For example I don’t need a safe zone with puppies, coloring books, soothing music, or warm milk and cookies.

I’m calm and relaxed.

I no longer have micro aggressions, or worry about white lash.

I don’t feel the need to boycott my local burger joint, write a letter to the editor, or grab a misspelled sign and take to the streets — Unless it pays of course.

I no longer feel the need to be offended and defend those that I assume are offended who really aren’t offended at all.

I no longer feel the need to be a champion they don’t need.

Some Final Thoughts

So bring it on. Hit me with your best shot. Sticks and stones. I and I alone am the only one who can give you permission to offend me.

I think I’ll pass.

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